Common cold functional tea


Feng Han Gan Mao is a delicious herbal tea to help eradicate the very first signs of a common cold. You know that funny feeling in the throat, headache at the base of the scull and feeling a bit off, this is the tea for you! You can also use it preventatively if you have been caught out in the cold wind especially in Winter. With a warming, pleasant and soothing taste it is very helpful to have in your herbal kit during cold and flu season.

Simply pour in boiling water and enjoy, making sure to keep covered afterwards as the herbs do their magic to dispel Wind-Cold from the exterior layers of the body.

If you’re prone to regularly getting run down, please get in contact with the clinic so we can help bolster your resilience and Wei Qi .

Contains 9 sachets.

Buy multiple packs or combine with other products, orders over 2kg get FREE SHIPPING!

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